Halloween Raqs!


Come to HALLOWEEN RAQS, a rocking Halloween themed performance, dance party and costume contest!
Hosted by the Zombie Saloon Girls- Kashah, Shahzaadee, and Mara.

Let out your creative monster to rock, alternative, fusion, or any other demon that tickles your fancy.

After the performance, stay for the dance party. Bring out your skeleton scarf, and shake your bones on the dance floors.. Prizes for the best costumes!! Scariest, Cutest, Funniest, Best Couples, Best home made……(costumes encouraged, but not required)

Date: Sunday, October 27, 2013
Time: 7:00pm
Admission: Tickets $10. Performers pass $8.

Location: Common Ground Theater, Hillsborough Rd./Brenrose circle Durham NC
(please check for directions at www.cgtheatre.com/directions as theatre is right there but also elusive the first time you visit. Note-If you rely on you GPS alone, you may wonder around bit, don’t say you weren’t warned. 🙂

If you are interested in performing (4 minute time limit) please email Mara with your music mp3 format only, a short dance description, and introduction for the announcer, ASAP at moorishgypsy@aol.com.

For more information on ticket purchase check out our “Halloween Raqs’ Page

One show only! Seating is very limited!

{Dancing at Mosaic for Arabian Night}

Colorful Waves members, Shahzaadee and Yonja, will be performing bellydance at Mosaic’s Arabian Night tomorrow (Friday, Aug. 10) at 9:30pm along with Safiya. We hope to see you there! Don’t be late and bring a hip scarf and all your friends and dance the night away after the show!


Carolina Casbah

August 22, 2009

Carolina Casbah was sponsored by ACCMED (Association of Central Carolina Middle Eastern Dancers). This is a local organization helping to promote professional bellydance performers and instructors throughout North  Carolina.


accmed1**Photo by Megan Freeman